About us
Selectiva Moda (ASM) is an association created 30 years ago to enhance Portuguese textiles, in an international context.
Selectiva Moda Association (ASM) is dedicated to ITV’s (Indústria Têxtil e de Vestuário - Textile and Clothing Industry) internacionalization and accomplishes its mission by organizing, qualifying and making some ITV’s collective actions happen.
ASM was founded in 1992 and it is a result of a partnership agreement between APIM (Associação Portuguesa das Indústrias de Malha e de Confecção – Portuguese Association of Knitwear and Garment Making Industries) and Fedemaille.
Presently, ASM is composed of ATP– Associação Têxtil de Vestuário de Portugal (Portuguese Textile and Clothing Association) – and by ANIL – Associação Nacional da Indústria de Lanifícios (Wool Industry National Association).